Payout is a fund transfer (payment) made to your vendors for the goods/services purchased from them. 

Making a payout is simple in Open. 

You can follow the steps below: 

  • Go to 'Payments' and then click on ‘Payouts’. 
  • Click on 'Payout'and then click on 'Create'. 
  • Once you get the Create Single Payout screen. Select the account through which the payout has to be made in the “Transfer From” drop-down menu. Select the ‘Vendor’ from the Vendor dropdown menu. Enter the ‘Amount’ you have to pay and select the 'Mode of Payment' from the drop-down menu and click on the 'Next' button from the right sidebar. You will receive an OTP on your registered email address and registered mobile number. 
  • Click ‘Send Now’ after you enter the OTP & the payout will be made.